Monday, January 7, 2013

Studying the Bible

Why is it that we - or maybe just I - find it so tough to study the bible.  It seems so much easier to read a book by a Christian author based on the bible and glean from that all I can.  I guess there is more of an entertainment factor?  It delves deeper into a particular subject?  I don't know but the one thing I do know is that God said, "in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word WAS God".  That means that it is of utmost importance for me to study God's word.  Please hear me!  I AM NOT saying that it is wrong in any way to read books by Christian authors AT ALL, but I don't believe it should be a substitute for reading the bible.
Having said all of that, I stumbled across this site:  Good Morning Girls.  It is a web site devoted to women studing the bible and being accountable to each other by sharing what God has shown them through the particular passage they are studying!  Each morning - Monday thru Friday, you post on our private fb group what God has shown you, what you have learned, prayer requests, etc.  As a group we support each other and will sharpen each other as iron sharpens iron and become all that God has intended us to be!
I have started my own facebook group to lead to the study and I'd love to have you join me.  We will be studying Luke 1-8, Living like Jesus.
If you'd like to join my in this journey I'd love to have you along for the ride!  Just send me a friend request on Face Book, or if we are already friends, just message me and let me know you'd like to join me.

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