Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wow, Where is That Tooth Fairy Anyway?

Eli lost the first of his top two teeth yesterday (that things been loose FOREVER)!  He was very excited and came running in from the playground to show me.
 We have a toothfairy dish so after he had cleaned that tooth so it sparkled, he put it in the dish to wait to see what the Tooth Fairy would bring him.  That little activity was followed by a burrage of questions:  what does the tooth fairy look like mom? are you friends with her?  does she work somewhere?  what is her bosses name?  and on and on it went.
Anyway, I totally forgot about the tooth fairy and of course that was the first thing he checked this morning.  He woke me up at 7 am to announce - what was that tooth fairy doing?  why didn't she come get my tooth?  At which point, filled with an amazing amount of guilt, I cooked up a big story about how she called last night to say that millions of little boys and girls had lost teeth yesterday and while the Ortman house was her very favorite place to come, she just ran out of time but will definitely do her best to come tonight.
He seemed quite pleased with my answer and off he went to put the tooth back in the dish!


  1. Hey Christie - I am so happy to hear that I was not the only mommy that forgot the tooth fairy :) Isn't it amazing how our children are so innocent and wonderful at that age. Good luck remembering the tooth !!! By the way, he's absolutely adorable.

  2. I did that once myself! good luck remembering tonight!!


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