Sunday, April 4, 2010


Good Friday was my oldest son's 18th birthday.  I cannot believe how time has flown.  My children and husband are my passion in this life, my life's work.  I remember when Andy started his job here in Kindersley working on the ambulance.  I asked him how it was going and if he liked it.  His reply was this, " I know that this is what God created me to do".  I feel the same about being a wife and a mom.  As women we all wear many hats but the thing that makes my heart sing, when I feel like I am really living my life to honor God is when I am at my best as a wife and a mom.  Having said that, I spent the first 1/2 hour I was awake on Friday morning crying - LOL!  Not because I was sad at all - well, okay, a little, but mostly because I felt that I had arrived at a milestone in my life - one for which I had been striving for 18 years - well, much longer than that actually.  While the sad part was that the sweet little boy I had so much fun with when he was little was all grown up, the happy part was that we did it!  Andy and I had raised our first son to be a well balanced, independant thinking, compassionate, respectful, loving, productive member of society.
Now, some of you out there are probably thinking, wow lady, don't make more of this than it is, but for me this was is a huge accomplishment.  Andy and I are both aware and feel very strongly that you are a parent for life, our job isn't over now that Isaiah is 18 - we recognize that there will be many more challenges ahead for him and we'll always be here to support, encourage, pray and counsel as needed but I can't explain the pride and thankfulness and joy that fills my heart to see that my first baby has grown wings and is beginning this journey of his adult life.  We love you so much Isaiah and are SO proud of the young man you have grown into.   We know that where ever life takes you, whatever paths you choose, you have a destiny and a purpose and you will do great things!
Okay, hang on while I wipe my eyes and blow my nose so I can see my screen and keyboard again - LOL!
I say all of that to say this - as we celebrated the day yesterday, there was a bittersweetness in my mind as I recollected and pondered Good Friday.  The day in history that God - the one who holds the universe in his hand - the one who definitely doesn't NEED us, but wants us, the one who I'm sure was filled with much more pleasure than I was at His Son's accomplishments, allowed, no, purposed for Him to die for people who hated him.
Can you imagine?  I can't even imagine my children giving their lives for their own families - those who love them more than anything but to allow my child to die for people who beat and spit on them - profound.  Confounding.  How could a loving God allow this to happen?  What must it have been like for Jesus to know that his Father was turning His head while all of this went on?  The bible says Jesus endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him - that joy was You and I.  He gave His life willingly so that you and I could have eternal life, peace with God.
Amazing Love.
Then on the third day - He rose.
What makes this God different from all the others - He is alive.  It is this truth, that fact that He loves us this much that the everyday issues of our life matter to Him that keeps me loving him.  We love him because he first loved us.  It is His kindness that draws us to Him.
I hope that that truth, that His great love will inspire you to thankfulness today.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know, He holds the future.
Life is worth the living, just because He lives.

Happy Easter to all of you, may you feel Gods enormous love for you today. Pin It

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