Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Trying My Hand at Some Photography

Some friends of ours from Rosetown have a daughter who is married to an American marine.  She is expecting their first baby and he has been overseas.  He just returned in time for the baby's birth and while they were here in town I offered to take some pics for them since they likely hadn't had a chance to have any pregnancy pictures taken as Dad had been away.
Here are some of my favs:

And my very favoritist!!!

Look at his tatoo - it is so poignant since he is a marine - in case you can't see it is a very elaborate cross with the words protect us above it.
This was so much fun, I've been wanting to try my hand at some portraits so I hope they enjoy the pics! Pin It

1 comment:

  1. Great job!!! I know they had to really appreciate this.


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