Saturday, January 2, 2010

I'm SO excited, and I just can't hide it....

... can you see me dancing around like one of the Pointer Sisters - LOL!
I have been saving my pennies.  I have made a big, new, exciting investment!!!  I have been SO TOTALLY ANNOYED with the quality of pics that my camera has been putting out that I did research for several months and finally, I have purchased this:
D901 D902 
It is the Nikon D90.
Go ahead, ask me how excited I am!  I can hardly sit still!  I've been taking pics of everything that will stand still long enough for me to shoot it - LOL!  I am so excited to take some pics of my creations with this little baby and post them here for you.  Right now, I don't have anything new to show you but I did want to share some of these pics I took with you.
These pics are all straight out of the camera!  The only thing I did was crop them in some instances and resize them so that they didn't overload your computer when you viewed my blog - LOL!  Other than that, I did absolutely NO editing whatsoever.
DSC_0026 A peace lily in my dining room.
DSC_0028 Potted flower on my back deck.
DSC_0036 Double petunia that are in pots that flank my garage.
DSC_0038 Another pot of flowers on my front veranda.
DSC_0042 A dandelion looking thing growing out of cement.
DSC_0043 Some kind of berries the boys picked off of a tree in our backyard.
And of course my picture taking spree of terror would not be complete with out pictures of my favorite subjects:
DSC_0014 Isaiah our oldest.
DSC_0046 Jacob,  2nd oldest.
DSC_0051 Eli our 3rd.
DSC_0047 Benjamin the baby.
DSC_0059 And, of course, our sweet little Daisy!
Thanks for looking at my pics!  I am just thrilled to have this new toy and I can't wait to use it for my posts here - I'm sure it will enhance the experience of visiting my blog as well!  I'd love to hear what you think of the pics! Pin It

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